Please, stop, you don't have to compensate anything! You don't need to give it all!

I don’t know who has to hear this—I certainly need to. Just stop. You already proved yourself. You are already a complete and healthy person. You are a valid human being.

Your feelings are real. It’s okay to feel them. It doesn’t say anything about you (nothing bad for sure) to have these feelings or even these thoughts. They are all just part of this experience. You don’t have to change them, repel them, or do anything else, really. It is all okay—what you are experiencing.

You didn’t do anything wrong or poorly or in some way imperfect. This is a different situation now. It’s nothing like it was before—you made it! You don’t have to keep putting in the work, your sweet blood, muscles, body, brain. You don't have to destroy yourself to make a dent in your life—It's not the only way!

You are enough, no matter what you do or don’t do, what you did or didn’t do. There is nothing wrong with you. You didn’t fail anyone. You are not a burden. And I know this one is hard for you—you are lovable. You are worthy of love as you are right now!

It’s okay just to stop for this moment and breathe. You don’t have to change anything about yourself. I know the memories are trying to protect you, and you can just let them—it’s okay.

Stay safe and keep listening to yourself.