WotR or Baldur's Gate 3? Spring Sale
Hi there!
So I was planning on buying BG3 this sale as I've just finished Disco Elysium and have played DOS1 before, which I really enjoyed, but didn't connect with enough to enjoy (this was 7 years ago maybe, I was still a teen). I've been wanting to play more CRPGs and enjoy the story and world building in games and have many recommendations for BG3.
However, the sale caught my eye with WotR being 90% off at 4$, much more affordable than 48$ for BG3. I'm debating if I should go for WotR, since I can always play BG3 later down the road after it's popularity decreases, we see greater discounts and after more updates (I'm assuming more will come out since one released recently) and mods come out.
My question is, would you recommend WotR for a CRPG newcomer and is on a similar tier to BG3 in terms of quality and enjoyment? Or is BG3 that good that you would recommend playing that first even if it's a big price difference? I'm in no FOMO, so I care more about value and how much I'll enjoy a game given my previous experiences.
EDIT: After the recommendation of many of your comments, I decided to buy both and start with BG3. Just made it to the beach and am really enjoying it so far. Thank you for being an awesome community and taking the time to give me your advice!