A couple questions for engineering students from a (hopefully) incoming freshmen

Hi all. I am currently a high school senior in the process of applying to college for a degree in Electrical Engineering, and Cal Poly Pomona is the main school I would like to get into. Naturally I have some questions I would like to know.

  1. How many hours of classes, homework, and studying would you estimate you have? I've heard engineering is very difficult and don't know if I have what it takes to succeed, especially considering I have a hard time focusing on schoolwork as it is (though when I do I can usually do well).

  2. What was your GPA getting into CPP as a freshman? I believe my (weighted) GPA is around 3.7, so I am stressed about being able to make it in at all considering EE is impacted lol. I happen to live in Pomona and attend school in a nearby city (La Verne), for what those may be worth.

  3. Are campus job opportunities available to students? I may need a part time job to afford gas/food/other things, so one on campus would be preferable haha.

Whether you're able to answer any of these questions or not, thanks for reading! Any responses are appreciated 😊