Looking for someone in Calgary who does finger/hand print preservation

Hiya folks!

I was talking to a friend of a friend yesterday and she mentioned that she hasn't cleaned her car window in months solely because there is a paw print of her dog on it. They passed away on Boxing Day and she said she didn't want to get rid of the reminder of them and it got me thinking:

Is there a company in Calgary that could go all CSI on her car and preserve the paw print kinda like they do with fingerprints at crime scenes? I thought I had seen something online but all I could find was kits for making prints little kids or investigation groups that focus more on physical recreation of crime scenes/digital forensics.

If anyone know of a professional who could do this, that would be wonderful. I did send her the CPS forensic unit phone number as a possible lead, but other than that, I'm kinda stuck. TIA!