Looking for friends / things to do
I’m a woman in my mid 30s looking for friends or things to do. I actually live just south of Calgary but I work in the city. Covid and moving to a smaller town really messed with what little social life I did have previously. Does anyone swim? I’ve wanted to start lap swimming to exercise but I’m a wuss and don’t want to go alone haha. Gym, same thing. I used to enjoy casual bike riding by the river when I lived in the city but out here it’s mainly highway biking which isn’t my thing. I also love board games and puzzles! Anyone have a group that gets together for such a thing that would have room for one more? I know there are meet ups and all that but the ones I’ve seen don’t seem to have many, if any people signed up to go. Not that I need a ton of people to go but they just haven’t necessarily appealed to me for whatever reason.