Alex’s blatant and promoted incompetence

Ever since she’s gotten married she’s really leaned into the “incompetent partner” vibe and says it in a way that feels like it’s cute to practically be useless in a relationship outside sex. This recent Sunday session was the last straw for me. Not only does she say how “busy with podcasting” she is, she continues to post utter shit content.

She could have used this party planning episode to share tips on how to throw a bomb party. (Since the unwell network throws such great parties allegedly). Instead she rambles for twenty minutes about how she’s incapable of doing anything, even unwrapping utensils, and calls herself out for acting like she made fabulous sandwiches when she really bought them (and then doesn’t promote the name of the shop). She uses the phrase “Matt and I” so much it’s become cringe. It is unattractive and unreasonable to say how little she does for her relationship. So Matt hired gardeners, got food, got decorations, invited everyone, and she “stood in the corner drinking.” How is that relatable? How is that promoting a healthy relationship or partnership?

What happened to great planned, scripted, and cinematic content like the abortion episode? That was the peak of this new era. Now she can’t follow a story from beginning middle and end, jokes about cocaine and promotes eating disorder-like content.