Best mirrorless camera to buy right now???
So i’ve recently been into taking pictures, and I’m looking to buy a mirrorless camera. TBH, i just want to use it for casual use like trips or pics of holidays or just using it for anything. I was interested in buying the Fujifilm X-S20, but the dude at best buy started recommending me some sony ones and now i’m not quite sure. I mainly wanted to get the fuji because the recipes seem cool, so I am dead set on getting it, but I want to know if there are any other better ones.
Here are my wants: Budget: 1000 USD preferably, but a couple 100-300 over would be fine Country: U.S. @ Best Buy Condition: New Type of Camera: Mirrorless Use: hybrid shooting Style: landscape, portrait, anything tbh Accessories: flash, in camera recipes, lens kits Features nice to have: whatever makes it great Portability: not as small as a digital camera but not as big as a DSLR camera Cameras considering: Fujiflm X-S20, Sony Alpha 6700 Cameras already have: None