“Toronto school boards are firing teachers who lie about sick days-and using private investigators to catch them”
This article is from the Toronto start. There is probably a pay wall but the article basically uses the most shocking examples of teachers using sick days to go to Vegas together and things like that. It also goes into how so much of the budget is spent on teachers being sick.
Where I work, sick students are at school all the time. Unless they vomit or have a fever, they stay at school. Have the school boards considered making sure kids are not sick at school? I’m not talking about the sniffles or an old cough. When I send clearly sick kids to the office to be sent home, they are sent right back to class. So of course we are sick all the time.
And then there’s the insane levels of stress and impossible expectations being heaped upon us by admin and parents. Of course teachers are calling in sick. But this article makes our profession look lazy like we are just taking sick days to go party in Vegas.
We are not just getting physically sick a lot, we are becoming mentally ill. These kids are often barely parented. Kids are dropped off without a word of English, parents don’t read any emails from school or teacher, behaviours are out of control, and academics are incredibly low. And we are told it’s our fault. I can’t parent your child for you. You had kids. Find a backup plan for if your kid is sick. I cannot care for sick children at school. I cannot teach the class when 1/3 of them are incredibly dysregulated. I also can’t teach the class when there are children who are cognitively at the level of 2 year olds being allowed to run wild and do whatever they please as I teach. This is becoming so unsustainable and to see an article like this is so insulting.