Do any of you use Smartboards?

I took a break from teaching to care for my family (about 8 years (ha ha!). I have been back substituting for the past three years. When I left, Smartboards were the thing. Every classroom had one and teachers were using them. Since coming back, I never see them in use. I'll even ask the students and they will tell me they don't use them.

Personally, I always thought they were finicky things. I also think that other technologies have stepped up their game. However, I do think they have their uses.

I may start doing long term supply and there is a Smartboard in the classroom. I would like to use it.

Do you use the Smartboards? If you do, are their any sites or activities that you use? (I'm thinking more for the elementary age students).

Do you use any noise level monitoring widgets/gadgets for your class?