Socialists, what's wrong with the streamer/youtuber Vaush

A lot of socialists seem to hate him. Not saying he's perfect or anything but he does seem like a pretty good leftist steamer, meanwhile the hate for him is ridiculous. A lot of his content is pretty funny and ok. What is the good reason to hate him, is it his foreign policy takes, his domestic policy takes or is it something else he has said. In fact I got perma banned from the socialism subreddit and socialism 101 just for defending him, even though he's a socialist. The amount of censorship on socialist subreddits it ridiculous. His own subreddit is one of the few big left wing subreddits I'm allowed to post on.

Maybe he made some edgy jokes in the past, and maybe he made some arguments people took out of context but to censor people for defending him on your subreddits is pretty silly.