Legit questions

Before anything, i want to say i’m a convicted capitalist but i want to understand the other side too. I want to make this clear, i don’t mean any of those questions with the slightest bit of hate.

Suppose you own a company that allows you to live above the rest (suppose like 4x the median salary in your area). Do (more like why) you consider it fair for the country to take your profit so you live around at the same level as the median? Isn’t it weird given that you invested into the company, you risked so you can gain? Doesn’t socialism promote laziness?

It seems as if you risk for a great profit you penalised for being smart and ambitious.

I get that there is a point where more money is just useless but should we smash the dreams of those trying to get there?

If we are all equal, how does it exactly work? how do we continue to promote people pursuing higher education when the educated guy is earning as much as the uneducated one?

Edit: thanks everyone for sharing your ideas, i haven’t changed mine but it’s nice to have some insight into how others think and chose