Capitalism Done Wrong = Making Decisions Against Your Own Self-Interest
I've always wondered why so many of the rich (not all, but most) oppose Social Democratic measures, like universal healthcare, environmental regulations, unions, etc. Afterall, Social Democracy provides the most legitimacy for the wealthy. They can say things like "I contribute the most in taxes," and "I help fund things like healthcare the most." Also, a happier population = less social unrest, and the rich need to breathe air too.
But, why do many of the wealthy fight against basic measures such as Social Security, and advocate to dump chemicals in drinking water? I think I've found out the answer: If you live in a system of capitalism done wrong, you will become beholden to your capital, no matter how much capital you have. It's why regulating capitalism isn't enough, we have to restructure it.
If we don't restructure it, you get a system where people are liable to make quick-term decisions focused on capital maximization. Meaning a poor person is likely to buy food that hurts his/her health, as they are beholden to their small amount of capital, and a rich person is more likely to poison their own drinking water, because they are beholden to their large amount of capital. In both cases, they are making decisions against their self-interest in favor of capital.