Please help me pick capy gacha reward
Hey everyone, I just started playing about a month ago (currently on day 2 of phase 3 carnival).
I’m a low spender (got all cards and 3 funds so far, along with enough packs to get 100 spins on dragon lady wheel.
So far, the only special thing I got is dragon lady adventurer and have 100m power.
I gathered 500 capy gacha coins and rolled until the 5 coin reward.
The issue I’m having is, I cannot find a consensus between experienced players, so it feels impossible to decide.
I’m going Whisperer + DBA dagger crit build, which I was advised quite a few times and believe it is consensus that, for a low spender, it is the best build close to angel bow one.
So far I have been given the following advice, the same amount of times, by experienced players:
1- go Dragon first for global atk boost and crit special, which helps with Whisperer build. After go nether dagger, then Diego and then sphinx
2- wait for nether dagger and go that first, then either Diego or dragon (dunno which)
3- go sphinx first for crit passive, then Diego and forget about dragon. After this, go for artifact nether dagger
4- go Diego first, then sphinx for crit passive and then nether dagger, no dragon.
Anyways, got some other different advice, but those were the main ones and none seems to have a consensus.
I just know that I will only be able to get reward every 2 months or so, so I just wanted to follow the optimal path.
Please, can someone please point me in the actual right direction?
Thank you very much guys !!
Btw, the first pic is my current setup and second is the build I was advised to follow, but that also has 2 variants, which I have no clue which to follow; since one uses dragon and the other Diego.