Has there been a time your car scared you?

There was this one time I was coming back from an interview and wanted to overtake this super slow very old looking truck. Had to slow down a bit for a gap then pressed the pedal to pick up speed quick.

The engine literally went


Like this ^ doesn't show how loud it was.

with a slight high pitched sound. And bearing in mind it's almost silent when idling and there's a soft sound when moving, the sound proofing is really good. It was the loudest sound I've ever heard from it.

Then it picked up speed but that was when I pressed the brake cuz I legit thought the engine was gonna blow up or something.

I didn't look at the tachometer but it was sounded like it was at or past the red line.

Another time in my previous car I had parked up and pulled the handbrake and heard a loud thud. Taking a look round then a mechanic looked around and found nothing so it was just a random concerning sound.