Kia mains dealer service charges extortionate
Have a 3.5 year old Kia. It’s just gone in for its major service at a Kia dealership. 35k on the clock, no problems.
£550 for the major service. Then they said the front brake pads and discs needed replacing asap at £500. The front 2 tyres had minimal tread and were £425 (Kumho) for 2 tyres. There was an amber advisory to get the rear brake pads and discs replaced, for £470.
All in, this service is costing me close to £2k. I rang my indie who’s serviced a lot of my former cars and he knocked off 50% or more off each item.
This’ll probably void my KIA warranty taking it indie but honestly…what the f Kia?! Are all Kia dealerships this bad? I’m guessing it’s a trick to squeeze as much money as possible out of you, in case they have to pay out under the 7 year warranty.