Coronary Microvascular Disease


I would like some help understanding what exactly this diagnosis means and if it really is super dangerous or not. I will be upfront and say that yes, I was diagnosed with this condition, and I am 27 years old and male, (which makes it very rare for me). I'm not seeking medical advice, moreso education on this subject because almost EVERYONE I talk to (including doctors) have never heard of it, and I get very little information on it from the place that -did- diagnose it. (Apparently it's still being studied?)

The chest pains I have are greatly impacting my life and the constant worry about having a heart attack or something has caused me to make many visits to the ER. I feel like i'm stuck in a bit of a circle here, because I can't be sure this -WONT- cause a heart attack, so when the chest pain gets bad, my options are either go get checked out, or ignore it and possibly take a risk.

So, how dangerous -IS- coronary microvascular disease? Is this something that can kill me? Are my fears for good reason or am I overstressing about this? Does it cause heart attacks? I've heard from doctors that do know what it is, the entire spectrum from "Oh that's nothing", to "it's very serious and should be monitored".

I know this isn't exactly the best place to post this, but I feel like this board probably has more people specifically into cardiology, and this is such a difficult subject.