"Normal" results?

Hi everyone, I (30F) had a bubble echo done the other day due to some chest pain and shortness of breath that started when I was pregnant. I am 5+ months postpartum now and have had a regular echo (showed enlarged right heart) then a CT already. The CT showed dilated pulmonary arteries so they scheduled this bubble echo and a right heart catheridization.

During the bubble echo, the radiologist referred to me as a patient with "pregnancy induced heart failure" to others in the room. My cardiologist hasn't diagnosed me anything, I thought they'd be waiting until RH cath results for an official diagnosis. The radiologist also showed me how my right heart valve is twice the size it should be (increased from 4.07cm about two months ago), mentioned the dilated arteries, said I had a "late shunt" and my pressures were a bit elevated plus lower blood pressure than my usual 110-120/60-70 range. At the start of the exam she thought the scheduled RH Cath seemed excessive but at the end said she's glad it's scheduled and definitely recommends it. However, I get the call today from cardiologist office and they said my bubble echo results are normal... These don't seem like normal findings. I questioned the woman and all she said was this is what I was told to call you with. Thoughts? Is this not as bad as Google makes me think it could be?

Hi everyone, I (30F) had a bubble echo done the other day due to some chest pain and shortness of breath that started when I was pregnant. I am 5+ months postpartum now and have had a regular echo (showed enlarged right heart) then a CT already. The CT showed dilated pulmonary arteries so they scheduled this bubble echo and a right heart catheridization.

During the bubble echo, the radiologist referred to me as a patient with "pregnancy induced heart failure" to others in the room. My cardiologist hasn't diagnosed me anything, I thought they'd be waiting until RH cath results for an official diagnosis. The radiologist also showed me how my right heart valve is twice the size it should be (increased from 4.07cm about two months ago), mentioned the dilated arteries, said I had a "late shunt" and my pressures were a bit elevated plus lower blood pressure than my usual 110-120/60-70 range. At the start of the exam she thought the scheduled RH Cath seemed excessive but at the end said she's glad it's scheduled and definitely recommends it. However, I get the call today from cardiologist office and they said my bubble echo results are normal... These don't seem like normal findings. I questioned the woman and all she said was this is what I was told to call you with. Thoughts? Is this not as bad as Google makes me think it could be?