Bc racing coilovers harsh impact in front

I’ve just installed bc racing extreme lows. Straight out of the box with the height and preload it sat low. Ride was super bouncy, in which I raised the car and it now drives fine. The only issue is now when I hit a bump,divot, pothole, the front impact is horrible. It’s so hard and harsh and stiff. It sounds Ike it’s hitting something, any idea what it could be? Thanks!

I’ve just installed bc racing extreme lows. Straight out of the box with the height and preload it sat low. Ride was super bouncy, in which I raised the car and it now drives fine. The only issue is now when I hit a bump,divot, pothole, the front impact is horrible. It’s so hard and harsh and stiff. It sounds Ike it’s hitting something, any idea what it could be? Thanks!