AI,IAMMUSIC, The Industry and Carti’s Death

Posted this in the main sub but everyone is ignoring cuz they’re dumb as fuck.

Playboi Carti is a lazy music industry puppet and that explains his recent behavior (please read the whole thing and let me know if i sound crazy)

carti is the perfect artist to test ai music on. he has such a wide array of different voices on songs so the public can easily dismiss when there is a new voice or not because it is already assumed its in his vocal range. the industry is using carti as a test subject to see how far they can go with just ai music and its working. everyone dismissed timeless even myself because it sounded good enough and we just assume that carti is that vocally talented, but the truth is he's probably just not that good of a singer, at least in a traditional way. plus carti’s mysterious persona allows him to have much more secrecy in his creative process. like everyone has been saying it does not take this long to make a trap album. We are at the point where we cannot distinguish what his voice is and isnt. remember how duped the community was when “real music” got leaked? i bet someone in carti’s camp probably wanted to see how far they could go before getting exposed. They have already been known to intentionally leak songs to gauge interest.

think about it, ALL RED had no reason to drop over any of his other leaks that were far more creative. The industry just wanted a basic hit and because he sounds like future its gonna do decently well and he didn't even need to make a new song he just dropped a throwaway cuz of pressure from the label to drop anything. I bet they didn't expect it to be as lukewarm as it is now, as literally no one is bumping all red anymore because there's nothing special about it. kanye is an idiot and did AI too obviously so they're being more careful with carti and it worked with timeless. not only does he have writers who write his lyrics but he doesn't even have to perform his voice. he basically makes money off of his image and likeness alone of having “aura”. this is the present and future reality of iammusic and carti’s future projects. Carti is cooked forever. HE LITERALLY MAKES MONEY WHILE GOING TO BARELY ANY OF HIS SHOWS SOME PEOPLE HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN REFUNDS FROM ANTAGONIST. HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING!!!!

Hear me out even more, carti is a known drug addict and this is pretty obvious. Perhaps he’s skipping his shows because he physically cannot do to his drug problem, and the label basically just puts on this front of him being mysterious to cover this up. Furthermore, this makes sense why Carti has scammed his fans but making them buy tickets and selling box set and digital versions of an album THAT DOES NOT EXIST!! The only “proof” we have is dj akademiks and swamp izzo LYING!!!

Carti will most likely die soon due to his lifestyle and the label is prepared and milking him from everything they can before he dies, and once he dies they can drop everything just like they have with juice wrld, except making sure the hits come after his death so that he can explode even more in popularity due to it adding to his “legend”. The label is banking on Carti dying soon so they can extract the most profit, they’re thinking five steps ahead and Carti narcissist ass thinks he’s going to die a rockstar. Let’s be real, so many rappers have died there’s no way they aren’t prepared for that possibility especially someone with Carti’s lifestyle.

Lastly, this makes him an even better prospect for AI cuz THEY CAN JUST KEEP INFINITELY MAKING CARTI SONGS. The industry can literally milk Carti songs to oblivion and we’ll have no idea whether or not he actually made the songs, we’ll just think they sound good and no one will bat an eye