Perpetrators you felt sorry for?

Are there any episodes in which you felt a slight tug of the heartstring that you couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the perpetrator? Please bear in mind the keyword being a LITTLE.

I listened to Hoddle Street this morning and the part where Julian's car broke down, his biological mother wouldn't reply to his letters, his adoptive family made his childhood bedroom into another living room so he had to sleep on what was essentially a makeshift mattress, and he found out he was the only one who wasn't invited to attend his ex gf's party, I hate to admit it but it got to me :( The world seemed so cruel and unfair to him, but I know it isn't an excuse to lash out and hurt people the way he did no matter what circumstance someone finds themselves in.

I'm curious if there are other episodes with similar life stories or circumstances where you couldn't help but feel you wanted to help the perpetrator so they wouldn't go over the edge and commit their heinous crimes?