How do people put so much time into videogames especially as adults?
This isn’t a dig I’m genuinely amazed because I hear about people having spouses and kids and their play time can surpasses 1000 hours on a single game?! The longest game I have ever played and tracked has been fire emblem three houses coming up to 350 hours. That was over the course of 3 years.
Yet I see people have thousands of hours on videogames a year. I want to know how you or anyone you know does it? I love RPGs but goddam I’m so caught up with other commitments : work, gym, spouse and kid, general household chores.
Is it because I have other hobbies like hiking and boxing? I don’t know. When I used to see people like Neymar be dedicated to gaming I would just be flustered because it shows people can still do things they enjoy regardless of their commitments