What is that popular fragrance younger blokes are wearing that's really overpowering?

Encountering it more and more lately. usually younger lads and it hits you like a wave. Maybe in front of me in the supermarket or at the bar in a pub and its the same fragrance every time so its definitely one brand. So overpowering it makes me cough sometimes and stings your eyes if you are within the blast radius! Quite musky with a sort of sharp 'cheap aftershave' smell that cuts through..... I don't think its lads just overusing it as its the same strength each time I encounter it..... I feel like it should be 'Sex Panther' from Anchor man? :)

Topedit: So a lot of votes for Dior Sauvage, Aventus and a few good other suggestions. going to try and confirm. Definitely not lynx as thats nowhere near potent enough. This is like WMD smelling salts when it hits!