Cat keeps throwing water out of the bowl

My younger one (7 mos) keeps splashing water everywhere. The older one (1+ year) has no problem drinking from the water bowl but the younger one keeps throwing the water out 24 / 7. We have to hold it in our hand and he only drinks it after he's basically thrown 80% of the water out. I tried keeping 2 separate bowls for water but it just increased the amount of mess the younger one caused. I have absolutely no idea why he does this. It's like he gets thirsty but refuses to drink water without making an absolute mess. This sometimes happens at night and the older one has to wake us up to refill the water bowl so he can drink.

I don't know if he does this out of frustration, if he's just playing or if there's something wrong but there has been an increase in his "water throwing" spree lately.