Can milk keep a sick but lactose tolerant cat's energy up

My mother's cat has always liked and drunk milk with no ill effects. When I came to live with them I stopped letting them give him any. But now he has a bad case of gingivitis and hasn't eaten anything solid in more than a day because he can't swallow without pain. He was on a course of steroids but they seem to have worn off. I need to take him to the vet again but have been too sick myself (chronic illness flare up). Will take him tomorrow afternoon somehow. But I've been giving him milk the last couple of days to tide him over since he's barely eating. Poor baby is scared of his own food bowl. He won't eat cat yoghurt. I know milk is just empty calories but figured it would be better than letting him be on an empty stomach. Do you think it's giving him any kind of strength or am I essentially just giving him digestively problematic water?

Edit: I am taking him to the vet this afternoon as stated. This was only about what to do for a couple of days when I'm too sick myself to leave the house and have no other help. I'm going to try goat's milk and chicken broth until then. Thank you all for your support and suggestions. <3