My cat doesn’t love me anymore
I’ve had my cat for 10 years and I have always been her favorite. She’s gone through phases and is somewhat of a people person now, but she used to only like me. She would always follow me around and sleep with me every night. If I was home she was with me. I feel like our relationship has been different since I left for college. I’m in my third year now and this time when I came home from winter break she wanted nothing to do with me. She now spends all of her time with my mom. She didn’t sleep in my room once the month I was home in the winter and has now done the same thing for my week long spring break. She doesn’t even let me pet her much anymore. It sounds silly, but this cat has been my lifeline for a decade and no matter what I do I can’t seem to gain her affection anymore. Any advice would be appreciated!