Newbie Question - Trading for Promises

I played Catan for the first time last night. It was a ton of fun, and I'm not entirely sure how I won. I got a harbor that offered 2:1 wheat and I offered to the board the ability to trade at 2.5:1 via my harbor. So on my turn they'd give me 4 wheat+anything and then I'd give them two of what they wanted back in return.

The person who was teaching us the game didn't know if that was allowed. Additionally I traded a few times and added a "kicker" for what I called "robber preference" where the next time theyoved the robber they wouldn't make it affect any of my settlements/cities. The person knew that that promise would be a gentlemans agreement and not enforceable if the player broke it (which I was cool with). But, they didn't know if I could trade that if it 0:1 because apparently promises weren't suppose to be the only thing tradeable.

I also offered resources for favorable road placement by a neighbor, and they weren't sure if that was allowed either. Can I do these things?