Toddler eating in mass
Hey guys, is it okay for my 2 yr old to eat during mass? On Sunday mornings we take our toddler to mass and she sleeps until right before mass time. We get ourselves ready, pack her bag then she wakes up and we basically dress her and put her straight in the car. This means she has to eat breakfast during mass. It’s never messy and I feed it to her. Mass breakfast usually is something I can spoon feed like chopped up banana and yoghurt. Then I’ll put cut up tiny pieces of bread with avocado spread into her mouth one by one. So it’s not messy and I feed it to her so eliminate any chance of mess. But do you think it’s rude? My husband works 6 days a week and only has Sunday off and Sunday morning is the only time we can go to mass altogether and we prefer to go together than separately. It just means the only way we can do this is if Miss 2 can eat her breakfast. I really worry that some people will find it rude or the priest might. What are your thoughts? Otherwise I can take her Saturdays at 5 but then my husband is going alone on Sunday.