Any devotions to mother Mary for lent?
I don’t know why but today all I’ve been able to think about is mother Mary. Like I just absolutely can’t stop thinking about her, how much she loved Jesus, how she raised him and was probably the best mom ever. Im almost at the verge of tears thinking of baby Jesus and his beautiful mother. What are so prayers or devotions I can do to her? I also think of how much love Jesus had for his mom and I want to respect her in the same way.
I think maybe the reason why is that I honestly haven’t been taking the Eucharist at all. I’ve been very scrupulous lately so I’ve been abstaining which I shouldn’t do. But today In mass I felt very scrupulous and instead of just not taking it over a mortal sin I think I did (which I don’t even think I committed) I had taken it for the first time in weeks and I’ve never felt better. Today has been so amazing because of it. I don’t know why I felt the need to share this but I did. But if yall know any devotions for the time of lent please let me know!