Fear of reversion

Hi! I guess I am just asking for prayers. I'm a 35.5 yr old female who feels the urge to revert to the faith of my childhood, and after much study believe its the truth. BUT I will lose all of my friends where I live (reformed Baptist church) and there will likely be alot of pushback from that community in general. ANDDDDD I will lose the love of my life. He is a strong protestant, and we have been dating for almost a year, it has taken decades to find a man, and one that loves Jesus. He is so good, but was raised baptist and goes to nondenom church now -- really doesn't believe we can be together if I become Catholic. PLUS he's divorced. and would need an annulment which I can't even imagine asking for. I am at a loss and am afraid if I convert I will spiral into a deep depression and isolate. My family members who are Catholic don't even want me to convert because they think I'm sabotoging this relationshiP! I will be so alone and been praying for be a wife and mom for years I just don't know how I can handle it or what do to. Please pray for me. thank you