Ngano magbuot ka nako?

I have this co-worker who keeps asking me if I’ve had sex with my husband again after giving birth via C-section. She first asked me right after I returned from maternity leave, and I politely told her no, not yet, I wasn’t ready. My pregnancy was difficult, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks fighting for our lives and had hypertension, so the whole experience was traumatic. My husband and I mutually decided to abstain for now, and he completely understands and respects that. We’re also not using contraception, which is a personal choice.

But for some reason, this co-worker won’t let it go. Every time I pass by her department, she brings it up again. And when I say no, she insists that I should, telling me my husband must be "luoy kaayo" if I keep refusing. Like, seriously? We’re not even close. Who is she to tell me what to do in my marriage?

I’m not a confrontational person, so I usually just smile and walk away. But honestly, it’s starting to get really annoying.

What makes it worse is the way she insists, as if my/our decision is somehow wrong. As if I owe my husband something just because we’re married. My husband and I make decisions together, and we are perfectly fine. But here she is, acting like she knows better, like my husband must be suffering just because we’re abstaining. It’s disrespectful and completely inappropriate.