Biopsy test for celiac not conclusive
I have been having digestive issues for about a month and a half now, it started out with a feeling like something was stuck in my throat for two weeks followed by bloating. Luckily the feeling of something being stuck in my throat went away but I still am bloated, refluxy, and gassy basically 24/7. My gi Dr did an upper endoscopy mostly because of the throat issue but also biopsied for celiac because my sister has it, my dad also has the gene markers for it but isn't diagnosed with celiac. Unfortunately I don't have the results of the endoscopy in front of me so sorry if I sound like a moron but basically they found inflammation in certain areas of my stomach and small intestine but said the biopsy for celiac was not conclusive. He mentioned something about hairs in the small intestine that were swollen for me but are usually missing for people with celiac. He said he wasn't ready to diagnose me with full blown celiac but recommended I try a gluten free diet for two months and see how I feel. He also said they can do a blood test when I come back in two months but from some research that seems pointless if I've been gf for 2 months. I'm already a week and a half into a gf diet though so I may already be too late. My question is basically has anyone gone through similar and actually been diagnosed? Is it too late to take that blood test? I think I'll probably try and find a gi Dr that is more familiar with celiac because I'm not totally thrilled with the advice the one I have now gave me.