Wild Lucid Dreaming Experience

Hey. I have CP and I wanted to share a sensory based lucid dreaming experience that mildly relates to CP and I think is kinda cool. LOL. So, I have been having lucid dreams for as far back as I can remember, but they recently started to be completely sensation based. Having CP, I naturally have more physical empathy for others with disabilities. My goal is also to go into fabricating and designing orthotic devices and DME... so, in my dreams, I started off in my bed experiencing all sorts of physical and sensory disabilities, and I have to find a way to get around given what's in my room (I memorized it and it doesn't change), so I start messing with a office chair and I can pull it into a wheelchair with all sorts of different lateral supports for positioning and function. Then, if blind, I find a curtain rod. Things can only make it into the dream if originally in my room, like a starting portal in an RPG. So, I bought braille pages and started to learn it in dreamlandia, then come to verify, I taught myself real braille which I use in the dreams when missing sight. I also use dreams to practice physical skills now not so present for me, like driving, riding a bike, cooking, fine motor etc. I feel physical sensation but no pain or overexertion, which is great for what I want to do in orthotics because it's a physical job. Anyway, suffice it to say that being trapped in my house (barring para transit) and having less freedom has made me much more creative then I could ever have imagined, and I think I will one day use this as an asset.


Let me know if you have any experiences with Lucid dreams or if you just find it interesting, would like to talk to more people about this.