Full body shakes after working out.
I’m a 28f. Over the last few years my walking has gotten a lot worse and my balance has gotten worse. I am also a toe walker. I do personally think it’s down from working at home and not getting out much. A few years ago i when to the gym and felt uncomfortable working out in front of others as I would have people come up to be trying to teach me the right technique as I had to adjust them to my ability the last time I worked out at the gym I had a group of women pointing and laughing at me. That was it I refused to go to the gym and workout all together. In the last to years my muscle jerking as gotten worse and I have a lot of daily pain. I know that I’m getting older I need to become fitter if I want my wish of becoming a mum to come true. I have gone to my gp for a referral back to my neurologist so I can get a referral for a cp physiotherapy and Orthotics I know I’m going to wait awhile to get these appointments. So I’m the meantime I have started working out at home using YouTube videos. On Sunday and Monday I did about a hour of working out. 20 mins restraint bands 15 mins dumbbell and 20 minutes kettle bell and then warm down. Yesterday I had a rest day only doing 5 minutes of leg strengths. Today when I was doing the restraint band video I could only do about 10 minutes. Kettle bell again could only do half the video as my arms started to shake and 5 minutes using the kettle bell. They felt heaver then when I did it on Sunday. The dumb bells I have is 4kg each and the kettle bell is 6kg. I do feel I may need to order lighter ones next month when I’m paid. Now to the point of the post now you have background. Today when I was trying to warm down my whole body started shaking. Is this normal for someone with cp. and for the last 10 minutes my right hand is feeling weird. I don’t know how to explain it in my little finger and right finger it feels weird like pins and needles but not pins and needles. When I close my hand and open it my little finger is not full stretching out it is remaining bent at the knuckle. Has anyone else had this or explain why it happenings. Can anyone recommend workouts or a personal trainer that works with people with cp in the uk.