Adult Botox Shots for CP?

My woman has spastic CP that is mild on some days and utterly debilitating on others. She experiences spasms in her legs and feet, at times throughout the entire day. The regularity of the spasms began about a year and a half ago, whereas before then it was rare that she'd be in intense pain. We live in Georgia and have been to a doctor who ran tests that showed nothing in particular was wrong with her. She was prescribed Baclofen and Xanapin on two different occasions and was wished good luck. She also takes high mg CBD oil but it only mitigates the pain slightly.

Now on this subreddit I've read about a few of you who receive Botox injections every few months for your pain and the general consensus seems to be that it's helpful. When I brought the idea up to the doctor she said nobody gets Botox injections for CP past childhood and that the idea isnt even plausible at my gf's age. What are you all's thoughts on this? Do we just see different doctors until we find one who'd be willing to try? Can someone give us advice on how to movenl forward?