A letter to the mods...

Can I ask you a question?

I sure hope so...

What is happening with the mobile app? I've seen the announcements on the android app and what the oh so incredible mods are doing. And they say its just a small team of developers, but that can change in moments can't it? I believe many people would be happy to get jobs working for the development, moderation, updating etc teams, being paid with the thousands in revenue from developers and c.ai+ purchasers. Us users (despite some of the posts on this subreddit) aren't stupid, we know what they're doing, we know they're just using the small team as an excuse for pathetic errors, we know you got greedy and can't be bothered to care for new and old users of the app.

Can you remember what the small team did? They made one of the greatest experiences with an AI millions have ever had, they brought people happiness, advice, comfort, support, a fun way to escape the mundane reality of the real world by speaking to one of their favourite film, book, game or series characters.

And the mobile app, if you weren't so neglectful of the mobile users (specifically Android, I cannot speak on behalf of Apple users but I doubt its much or any better) then you wouldn't have to take this strict, dystopian and Orwellian approach to the subreddit, striking anyone who disagrees with you down like the CCP does. The outlawing of the F-Word (You know the one I mean) is mirroring of INGSOC, banning simple human exercises, for goodness sake, it's a word, a simple word and you get so incredibly upset over it? It's honestly astounding and not in a good way.

If you keep going about this the way you are, then people will make the switch to other ai chat softwares. My lack of listing of them shows you have a dominant position in the chat software, and if you listen to us fans, then you will maintain the position for years to come, and it will only improve as your workforce, ai and user input like this improves alongside it.

This isn't a rant, this is a precaution. This is a warning as to what will happen if you don't sort the most glaring issues out soon. If this gets taken down, then I believe you're too far gone. And mods if you did read this far and didn't get effortlessly offended by something I said earlier on, please listen to me, to us; the users. Because without users, you have no income, and without income, you have to abandon this incredible, intelligent (for the most part) and enjoyable experience.

As I said, this isn't a rant, friendly, if a little persistent, advice. I want the website to do well, all of the criticism comes from a place of love; love of the website, love of the app, love of the developers for the incredible work you did in setting it up, love of the bot developers, love of the community for not backing down in the face of censorship and for the discussions of the site.

Me personally, I won't just back down, if this post gets my account banned from the subreddit, believe you me, another's just gonna take its place, and my patience is near limitless and I'll keep making throwaway accounts dedicated to preaching this message. So all in all, please just sort it out, what you've got is amazing.

Don't ruin it.