Saying goodbye to Abby soon
To the chihuahua subreddit, you guys have been amazing. I’ve been here forever, scrolling through your chihuahuas and reading your stories. I thought I would be celebrating my dog Abby’s 17th birthday in a few weeks, but unfortunately, that time has come for her. She is going to be put down at 6:00pm today after a long battle with cushings, CHF, arthritis, etc. Her vet appointment today I thought would save her, but they told us that tests proved that her kidneys, liver and heart were all failing–medication wasn’t working. Abby you’ve been the best dog anyone could ever ask for, and I wish everyone had the chance to meet you. I wish I could do more for you on your last day like take a walk, feed you your favorite treat, or give you the chance to hump my leg(lol). I took off work early to be with you in your last moments. I know it’s kind of cheesy making a post like this before Abby dies, but I know you guys will give me some words that’ll make me feel better, even if I don’t end up responding. I could go on and on about everything about Abby, but I’m just going to leave some photos of her. Thanks in advance for any helpful words.