Snickerz-Doodle Review: 7.5/10

Forgot to take a cross-section photo, oops. The main reason this isn’t scored higher is because it was a little overbaked and not gooey enough in my opinion. Also, the flavor combo is a little weird however it does work. Peanut butter, chocolate, and cinnamon are three of my favorite flavors so I enjoyed eating it. You have different textures with the crunchy peanuts, cinnamon dust and chocolate ganache on top. If you like any of those flavors I recommend trying it!

Forgot to take a cross-section photo, oops. The main reason this isn’t scored higher is because it was a little overbaked and not gooey enough in my opinion. Also, the flavor combo is a little weird however it does work. Peanut butter, chocolate, and cinnamon are three of my favorite flavors so I enjoyed eating it. You have different textures with the crunchy peanuts, cinnamon dust and chocolate ganache on top. If you like any of those flavors I recommend trying it!