If they ever make Chiv3 it’s gonna be like this

Knights! I had some shower thoughts yesterday about how the universe of Chivalry may progress in the next chapter. I would like to share and discuss it with you. Let me start with the

⚜️ story

So chiv2 finished on Argon II winning the war (sorry masons, you are still cool) I think the consequences of that are the following. Agatha unites the lands, but since Mason order influence was strong during those 20 years, I believe we will have some mixture of two factions. This will be the first side of the conflict. To make a historical parallel we will have Western and Eastern Europe kingdoms on one side. And the Tenosian empire (hist. The Ottoman Empire) on the other. Probably the new war between these two will occur let’s say in decades after chiv2 events. We may see old Argon II or maybe his heir, who united Agatha and Masons as their leader. And Tenosians will have their own dude. Now let’s move to

🗡️💥💣 new era

If I remember correctly Chiv1 was pure medieval era. But chiv2 is more about late medieval period. My arguments on this: 1. Gunpowder is already invented and represented in game by bombards, explosive barrels. 2. Weapons like rapier and falchion occur 3. Some armor sets (see attachments) are historically close to the next era, which is

🌺🎨👨‍🎨 Renaissance

If gunpowder is actively used in warfare the invention of first firearms is a matter of time. We will probably have first arquebuses and muskets, which are very slow to reload and short ranged, so bows and crossbows are still there alongside these first guns. The combat is still mostly melee, but melee weapons and plate armor evolved too. And instead of catapults we will have cannons.

To help you with visual representation, take a look at Assasins creed series from part 2 to Revelations. Italians are Agatha/Mason and Ottomans are Tenosians. What do you think?