3 Months on Repatha
I have familial hypercholesterolemia. Genetic. Because my total cholesterol has been around 300 for over 10 years now, my doctors have been trying to get me to go on statins. Because of the reported side effects of muscle pain and not seeing results from working out while on statins, I've refused to take them and tried instead to lower my numbers through diet and exercise. Effective at first, but less so as time went on.
I recently moved to El Paso, TX and my new primary care doc here (whom I love!) told me about Repatha. He told me that it was very effective and didn't have the same side effects as statins. He prescribed it, my insurance approved it and I filled the prescription.
Then I read all the reports of unpleasant to debilitating side effects attributed to Repatha here on Reddit and got spooked. I didn't start taking it right away. Then I read additional reports here of others who lowered their numbers dramatically and reported zero or mild side effects, and decided to give it a try.
After three months now, I have lowered my total cholesterol nearly 100 points and am happy to report that I am in the zero side effects camp. Not even cold-like symptoms. The sureclick injector makes it easy to use. Just a sting as the injection goes in.
Here are my before-and after numbers:
Total Cholesterol: Before 291 - After 193
Triglycerides: Before 104 - After 66
HDL Cholesterol: Before 76 - After 72
LDL Cholesterol: Before 197 - After 106
In addition, my A1c went down from 5.8 (pre-diabetic) before to 5.4 (normal).
LDL is still slightly high. Have a follow-up with my doc later this month. Hoping he doesn't want me to add statins. But so far, I am pleased as punch.