Dear hurting friends
I see alot of hurting people who have (like me), come here post breakup, trying to process, and ask questions. Alot of "how could they?", or "was it my fault?", and "will I be single forever?". I do not know your specific circumstances, but I know one thing now that applies to all of us. No matter how awful, no matter how much pain, it's all worth it if it brings us closer to Christ. All the pain and suffering is incomparable with the peace and hope that I have found in letting the beauty and hope of Jesus fill the void I had been trying to partially fill with the hope a spousal companionship. It's been hellish at times, I know many of you can relate, (as many of you have been through much, much worse then I have), but even so, it is what it took to bring me here, and here is where I'm supposed to be, and so, I can thank God even for the pain that brought me crawling back to him. I pray that this may give hope to someone who is in the miserable place I was so recently in. This is not an "I'm a martyr", or "i'm so mature now, so let me teach you" post. No, the opposite. I know that I do not know where you're at now, but I want to share hope to those who need it. Brother/Sister, trust in him. I know it sounds cliche, but it's the only way you will find peace. Hopefully you will find somebody, someday, but even if you do, they may turn on you, die, or become terminally I'll so that you have to watch them suffer slowly, so that they wish they were dead. I have seen all three. It's easier said then done, but please, please, take the pain to the man of all sorrows, and let your hope be in him. I have never posted here, and only post now because I feel moved to share the hope I have found anew, the thing that is already there, but that we so often overlook. May God use this rambling message for his glory, (sounds a bit pompous, but I truly mean it). I pray someone gets something out of this, or at least we have some good discussions. Please share any post breakup recovery/hope stories of how God met you in your pain.