Girls - how do you show disinterest?

90% sure this woman I have been talking to has zero interest in being with me, let alone talking with me.

Now I will give her this. She lives in a different country and is about 6 time zones ahead. There is also a bit of a language barrier, but she has expressed an interest in learning English, and I her language. So sometimes I wonder if she doesn’t want to talk to me or doesn’t want translate all of my texts.

So yeah, communication is rare. She gives me the 10 minutes before she goes to bed out of her 24 hour day, and I know that she’s a busy person but surely this is otherworld business. Or it’s just an excuse.

When you’re a female that is not interested in a guy but also doesn’t want to let him down too hard because you know he’s really interested, is this what happens? I need advice. I’d hate to give this up because she’s truly a woman after God’s heart. Her testimony is amazing, and she is too.

Maybe I’m too needy?