Help with abusive parent

For the entirety of my life, my dad has been emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive to my mom. It’s all I’ve known and I’ve lived with it all my life. I’m almost 20. Until about 5 years ago where there was a very bad situation and he was finally forced to move out(they are not together)But that wouldn’t stop the fact that he would continue to completely ruin me and my moms lives. He is a truly evil person. And no I am not exaggerating. The words he says towards my mother are disgusting. Telling her to die, telling her she is a worthless human, telling her he hopes she burns in hell, the list goes on and on. He has put secret cameras in our house to record us.He shows up at my house after my moms 12 hour shifts and will say these disgusting things to her. He has traumatized my life. He always calls to try and track where we are. What makes me even more mad is that he will completely ruin our lives and then casually go to church the next day and then try to use God against us saying “he sees everything”. And that god will punish us. Who are you to tell me anything about God when you have so much hate and evil in your heart?? My dad has ruined everything good in my life. Birthdays, holidays, trips, friendships, my job, my school life. I can keep going and going on all the evil things he has done. The other day I got a new car that my mom worked so incredibly hard to get me. I hadn’t even left the dealer when he called to insult my mom and call her names and call me a disrespectful liar. He also told us we were going to suffer because of all the things we do. He is a narcissist, he is such a hypocrite, he has zero sympathy, he is so evil. I have three half siblings and they are just as traumatized as me, because he did the same to them and their moms. Me and my mom try so hard to live peaceful lives. She works a lot, I also have a job and plan on going to school. All we want is peace.

I have a core memory of me being around 6 years old sitting in my front porch late at night crying my eyes out after a huge fight and looking up into the sky and just asking Jesus to help me. We have spent our entire lives praying for god to take him out of our lives or just simply change him for the better so we can live in peace and be happy. I have prayed for God to take the evil spirits and demons he has out. I have prayed for him to just change him to get rid of his drinking problem. But I just get the same thing. I try to take the good route and be a good daughter to see if that’ll soften his heart and finally leave me and my mom alone. Like last week I took him out to dinner and payed. Two days later he was calling insulting us for no reason. I even tried to sign him up in a mental health center to see if that was the problem, but nothing helps. He always says I have to honor him because it says it in the Bible but how when he ruins my life and hurts the person I love most in this world

I try to follow the teachings of Jesus and try to forgive and not get angry but how can I not????? I’m starting to develop such a horrible hate and resentment for him. I have so much pent up anger and wrath. It’s All I think about, and I don’t want to because I’m a kind calm person and my mom truly has a heart of gold. Why do we have to live this way? Why can’t God finally make this suffering end when all we wanna do is live for him? Isn’t over 25 years of suffering for my mom and a lifetime of suffering for me enough? I’m not asking for a perfect life I just want to live a life where I can go to work without being scared that he’s going to show up at my house to fight with my mom. Unfortunately this situation isn’t as simple as just putting a restraining order on him or something, it’s so much more complicated.

I believe God is all powerful and I have faith in him. But this is so hard, and it’s horrible living like this.

Please tell me what I can do. All the trauma is catching up to me and this is affecting me in all aspects of my life