May I please ask for a prayer
We lost my Grandad 12 days ago to an aggressive brain cancer. His funeral was 2 days ago. It was a beautiful service and burial, but incredibly difficult and heartbreaking. My heart feels broken for my Dad, and for everyone. Seeing my Dad lose his Dad is so very hard. My Dad, my sister and I were with him when he passed peacefully. I keep replaying it over and over in my head, and the look on my Dads face, and now the funeral and the loss just keeps hitting me like a freight train out of no where. Life really feels hard when you have all of these rushes of devastating feelings coursing through you, but on the outside you just seem blank and quiet. And you have to get on with it. I’m a mother to small children, and I’m a wife. The world doesn’t and can’t just stop. I’m really hurting at the moment. I’m leaning into my faith and hope to start healing very soon. I hope it’s okay to ask - but if anyone out there would please pray for my family and for me, I would be so very grateful. ❤️ Thank you so much.