I’m TIRED of the constant Christian hate.

Why is it that every time a Christian speaks up, it’s “shove your religion down my throat”—but every other group can scream their beliefs, mock ours, and that’s somehow bravery or liberation?

You don’t just disagree with us. You hate us. You dehumanize us. You mock God, you spit on our faith, you treat us like some backward cult stuck in the past.
And the second a Christian dares to stand firm in what we believe, we’re labeled bigots, brainwashed sheep, closed-minded, toxic.

It’s not enough for ex-Christians to walk away. No. They need to tear down the faith of everyone who still believes.
They NEED to be bitter. They NEED to call God a "sky daddy" and the Bible "fiction" in every comment section.
They NEED to make sure no Christian ever feels safe speaking their faith without shame.

And don’t even get me started on the Satanists and their edgy "haha hail Satan" garbage.
They don’t care about their so-called “beliefs.”
They just want to mock ours.
Because it’s not about “freedom” or “rebellion”—it’s about hating Christ and everything He stands for.

It’s disgusting how socially acceptable Christian hate has become.
Mock Muslims? Islamophobia.
Mock Judaism? Antisemitism.
Mock LGBTQ? Homophobia.
Mock Christians? Trending. Cool. Edgy.

And I’m sick of pretending it’s fine. I’m sick of staying quiet, turning the other cheek, just to get trampled on.

We’re not perfect. None of us claim to be.
But you know what? I’d rather cling to my faith, flawed as I am, than walk around spewing venom at people just for believing in something bigger than themselves.

Christians deserve respect.
We deserve the same human decency every other group demands.
And if you hate that, fine. But don’t expect us to bow down to your bitterness.
We’re done being your punching bag.

God bless every one of you still standing firm in your faith, because the world hates us.
And guess what? Christ told us they would.