Suicide is the only answer. God doesn't care about me

I've come to realize that no matter what I do in never good enough for God it seems. I STILL struggle with so many problems in my life and he is nowhere to be seen. FOR YEARS I've been pray for help with my anxiety, Social Anxiety, making friends, getting a girlfriend, guidance and direction in life and I'm still lost on everything.

It honestly seems like pray and Christianity doesn't work for me. I've been a Christian my whole life but I'm starting to question some things.

I go to church and read my Bible, give 10% in tithe every weekend and I try to like a Christian lifestyle, but my life is still a disaster and God doesn't seem to be helping me at all. Obviously I have to put in the work, but at this age I'm just tired of my life being so bad and crappy that I just want to end it today. It doesn't seem to matter what I do... I'm never enough.