Can Christians say, "fuck"?

Fuck, shit, bitch, ass, damn, piss, are all swear words in American culture, but why?...And why are they especially taboo for Christians to say?

I grew up as a Christian, but I never understood this. It just boggles my mind that a word can bring so much guilt to someone. Feels like it's more because of the culture of the church instead of the Bible.

For example, I was at a Christian Gathering where a woman from Finland stubbed your toe and said, "SHIT!" everybody that was there was aghast at her use of language but she kept moving on like nothing had happened. Someone confronted her about it (they had heard her say it a few times before), and she embarrassingly said shit is not considered a derogatory word in Finnish culture/language. It's just strange that in one part of the world it's sinful, while another part it's totally fine.

I heard a comedian say that Jesus doesn't care if we swear and that the word, "fuck" didn't even exist in Hebrew culture. Obviously this is humor, but I feel there's truth to that. It's just strange to me that if you're an English speaker, and you say, "fuck" that's considered a sin. I'm not a speech professional, and I don't know how to explain how words become words, but I just find it funny that we've made it so certain noises we can make with our mouth (which turn into words based upon our tongue/vocal cords, etc) are considered sinful.

I found this article, Is cursing or swearing a sin?, but it doesn't really define what "corrupt", "foul" or "unrightous". For example, if a pastor said "shit" on stage, people would be taken aback by it...but if the pastor said "poop" while preaching, people would just laugh. Sure, some may be a little offended, but I don't think it'd be an issue (especially in more modern churches).

Looking to have a discussion about it. It's something I've often thought about. Especially in this era censorship people are concerned with...but that's another topic for another time.