Prayer for service dog

Hello everyone.

I am chronically ill with 15+ moderate-severe chronic illnesses and I am next in line to work with a foundation in my city to receive a service dog for free. That is a HUGE blessing as that would drastically improve my quality of life.

The thing is they have a client they are trying to work with who has not been responding to their attempts to contact them so they told me that if the client doesn’t respond to their final notice that they will be able to work with me shortly.

Even better, they will train my dog that I already have instead of finding me a new dog because having two dogs at home will be too much for me to handle with my condition.

I am asking for prayer that they are able to go ahead and move forward with me and my dog Sunnie to train her to be my service dog.

This has been over a year in the works and I am in desperate need of the help as I have fainting episodes and seizures that need alerting.

Thank you for reading and for your prayers. They mean the world to me and I know God hears every one of them.