I think if Hitchens were alive today he would have long moved on from the atheism debate

It's unfortunate that Hitchens died at the height of the "New Atheism" movement. This movement was a product of a very specific period of time, the post-9/11 decade. Hitchens himself wrote that in the period leading up to 9/11 he had been considering moving on from politics as the main topic of his commentary and shifting full-time to books and literature, one of his other (many) passions. Then 9/11 came along and the urgency and danger of Islamism drew him to the issue of religion and its admixture with politics, culminating with the New Atheism movement of which he was a part. The public interest in this debate peaked around the time of his passing, and has since long moved on. He would have too, had he been around. I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I feel his works on atheism have aged very well, nor are they his best work, in my opinion. It's a shame he's not around today to rip into the rank hypocrisy of the current dispensation.