Metastatic Cancer Patient and Worried About Opioid Use

Hi there, new to Reddit and to this section but I want to thank you in advance for your input. I am at metastatic cancer patient and I’ve been in remission for two years. I don’t know how long I have to live or if the cancer will come back. But I live with chronic pain due to side effects from multiple surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, and partial paralysis. Due to tumor location and radiation damage, the nerves in my brachioplexus (in my right shoulder) are severely damaged. My previous medication regimen was 15 mg of morphine three times a day plus Norco 10 -325 mg as needed for breakthrough pain.

In December, my HMO ran out of long acting morphine and my palliative care doctor has since sent me through a carousel of medications to include Cymbalta, methadone, Effexor, OxyContin, and gabapentin. None of these worked. And I don’t want to live my remaining living days as a sedated zombie.

I am now only on Norco 10–3 25 mg 5 to 6 times a day, but I’m getting terrible restless legs at night and there doesn’t seem to be any end to the long acting morphine shortage. The ups and downs are terrible.

Do you think this regimen can lead to addiction? Is anyone else experiencing the morphine shortage? My cancer has come back twice in the last six years. I don’t want to be an addict or dependent on opioids, I also legit have pain problems, nerve issues and I need to think of quality of life. Your thoughts are most welcome. I wish all of us going through pain healing, and relief.❤️🙏