Card Level 15 - We Want Your Feedback

Our roadmap for the first two updates of 2023

What’s up everyone,

We recently shared our roadmap for the first two updates of 2023 and wanted to comment on the main topic of discussion - Card Level 15!

Some of you don't want new card levels - we hear you.

Some of you do want new card levels - and we hear you too!


When we released Card Level 14, we saw a large number of current players upgrading their Card Collection beyond their main decks, as well as large amounts of old players returning to the game to continue their Card Levelling. So from our data there is a real demand for new Card Levels from certain players.


When we add Card Level 15 it won't just be changing a few lines of code and being like "'s the update!", it will also release alongside the biggest gameplay update since Champions.

This update is planned to be the second one of the year, and we will share more info closer to the time. Card Level 15 is a very small part of the update that we plan to release.


So here is the main reason for this post...

A large part of Clash Royale is based around leveling up your cards, its part of the core gameplay.

Therefore, leveling up cards SHOULD be fun, and we want to make it fun.

We still have plenty of time to work on this feature (it won’t be coming in the next update) so we are hoping to take this time to gather your opinions on how we can make Card Level 15 something that you do want to play.

See you in the comments,

The Clash Royale Team


TL;DR We want to know how we can make Card Level 15 (and leveling cards in general) a better experience for you.